Your child’s teeth are important for their long-term health. Choosing a dental health professional who specializes in...
Help Your Child Visit the Dentist! | 10 AMAZING HACKS in 2020!
Regular dental visits are essential in helping your child maintain good dental hygiene. For kids, however, visits to the...
5 Easy Foods for Healthy Gums and Teeth | EASY FOLLOW FACTS
Your oral health is determined by far more than just your brushing and flossing habits. Even the most diligent oral hygiene...
Wisdom teeth are a common dental concern for teenagers and young adults everywhere. They may speak of them with dread and...
Curious What Kids Under the Age of 5 Should Drink? | 2020 GUIDELINES
As a parent or caregiver of kids under the age of 5, you have a major responsibility to help them learn healthy habits that...
Bad Breath Causes (EPIC TRUTH)
Everyone gets bad breath occasionally, but chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be frustrating and concerning....
5 Questions to Ask (at Your Child’s Back-to-School Dental Visit)
Back-to-school dental exams are required in some instances and are highly recommended for all. Back-to-school dental exams...
Emergency! (Are My Teeth Supposed to Move Like This?)
Emergency, are my teeth supposed to move like this? When your child feels self-conscious about their smile, you want to do...
How do Dentists Handle? (a Squirmy Toddler)
Visiting the dentist is not just scary for squirmy toddlers or kids - it is often quite scary for adults too! In fact, more...