Board Certified Dentist – What’s That? (5 EASY READ FACTS)

Board Certified Dentist – What’s That? (5 EASY READ FACTS)

Becoming a dentist takes years of dental school. It takes years but the expertise shows as a top qualified dentist can work with about any oral health issue. Or recommend another dental specialist to take over. Those experts who want to shine can take it even further. Being a board-certified dentist is to be a go-to expert in the industry. In this easy read post, we’ll show the quick facts about what it means to be a board-certified dentist. Let’s get reading.



Board-Certified Dentist – What’s That?

This accolade signals that the dentist has gone through all relevant training. And has qualifications to the utmost that can be. The dentist will have proven exceptional skills. These skills go beyond legal and industry standards. Through this certification, they prove a commitment. One of providing patient care above and beyond the call of duty.
A board-certified dentist offer excellence past the basic training learned in dental school. Which is far from basic to the average human. They do so by attended and completing post-doctoral programs. And writing clinical and oral examinations.


What Does a Dentist Need to do?

The dentist must meet qualifications demanded by the American Board of General Dentistry (. These include a post-doctoral residency in general dentistry. They can also present a Master Certificate from the Academy of General Dentistry. After this, the dentist must pass a written exam. Demonstrating comprehensive knowledge of dentistry.
To complete the path to board-certification a dentit must complete an oral exam. The exam results are then reviewed by Board Members of the ABGD. After passing this long and hard examination process your dentist is then awarded Board Certification.

Where Can I Find a Board Certified Dentist?

Board-certified dentists make up 1% of the dental industry. Finding one is going to need investigating. If a dentist is NOT board certified it does not mean they are not experts in their field. 99% of dentists are top-grade experts they just haven’t taken extra exams to make them more super. All dentists are dedicated to providing the best care available regardless of certification.


All dentists are dedicated to providing the best care available


Why Bother Being a Board-Certified Dentist?

This is to elevate the provider with certification. One that sets them apart from the industry. Only a handful of dentists ever achieve this accolade. It recognizes ability, skill, knowledge, and pride in general dentistry.  As a patient, be confident in your dentist’s abilities. But look out for certificates on the wall setting that expert apart from the rest.


Ann Marie Lawlor


In industry standards, certifiation allows access to industries non-board-certified providers cannot access. The Military for one. Working for the Armed Forces allows for a significant pay increase. And board certification is key for advancement and promotion. Plus the dentist will do his or her duty, which for some is the best thing they can do.
Other industries include hospitals, private practice, and academia. In all these industries, board-certification leads to better positions. And a greater reward for both the dentist and the patient.


Contact a Board-Certified Dentist

Once you have checked out your provider’s qualifications, you can proceed with confidence. The knowledge that your daughters and sons will get the best care possible is key. A focus on comfort, respect, knowledge is first. Top-quality oral health care wins when it comes to your family’s dental health.




Are you ready to experience the top-quality dentist office difference? Contact Dr. Engel at Kinder Smiles today with any questions or to make an appointment for your child or teen. Our new dental and orthodontic specialists are eager to make your appointments great. And we can arrange a treatment plan to suit you.

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