Sedation Dentistry For Kids In Bergen County

sedation dentistry for kids

Sedation Dentistry For Kids In Bergen County

Sedation dentistry for kids in Bergen County plays a vital role in oral health here at Kinder Smiles. It’s important to us that patients have access to a sedation method that will help them remain calm and pain-free during more intense procedures. We will never sedate a patient unless it is absolutely necessary, but that doesn’t mean patients don’t have fears and misunderstandings about sedation dentistry.

Patients don’t have to fear sedation. It’s important to us that our patients understand what sedation dentistry is and how it works. If you want to learn more about sedation dentistry for kids in Bergen County, Kinder Smiles can help by providing the information below.

Sedation Dentistry For Kids In Bergen County

sedation dentistry for kids

Sedation dentistry helps patients remain calm during dental procedures such as tooth extractions. It’s especially useful in helping kids stay still so they are easier to treat. Sedation is not always necessary. In fact, we will only use sedation with consent from a child’s parents. If we believe your child would benefit from sedation, Dr. Darryl Engel, a pediatric dentist,  will explain why and will go through the entire process with you so you can make an informed decision.

Types Of Sedation

There are three types of sedation that dentists use to treat patients. All three are very effective, but each one is different and has different applications.

  • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is the most giggly sedation option. After all, there’s a reason they call it laughing gas. We place a mask over your child’s nose and ask them to breathe deeply so the gas will begin taking effect.

Nitrous oxide is a safe sedation option because patients remain awake and aware during the procedure. However, they will feel floaty and experience a numbing feeling. They will be calm and easier to treat, but they may not remember the procedure afterward and won’t feel any pain.

Nitrous oxide carries the least risk of the three options and we utilize it in many different procedures, including teeth cleanings, fillings, and even root canals. Consider it a multipurpose type of sedation.

  • Oral Sedation

Another type of sedation is oral sedation, which we provide via medication that Dr. Darryl Engel prescribes. The medication will make your child drowsy and they may even fall asleep. At times, we will wake up your child to ask them to cooperate with us if we need them to move their head a certain way or open their mouth wider. Your child won’t feel any pain during the procedure.

Oral sedation carries few risks and is a safe way to prevent patients from feeling pain during treatment.

  • IV Sedation

IV sedation carries the most risk but is still an effective sedation method. However, we will only use it when absolutely necessary, such as for complex procedures like root canals, tooth extractions, and dental implants. We insert an IV line into the crook of your child’s arm. They will feel pressure and a prick as we insert the line. The IV solution flows through the line into the body to make them fall asleep. We will monitor your child’s breathing and other vital signs the entire time.

Is Sedation Safe For Children?

Sedation is safe for kids. Nitrous oxide is the safest option because the patient remains awake and aware, which is why it’s the most popular method. Oral sedation is also safe, as is IV sedation. But because IV sedation involves losing consciousness, there are more risks. However, Dr. Engel is certified in sedation dentistry. As long as sedation is administered by a qualified dentist, all three sedation types are safe.

Length Of Sedation

The length of sedation will vary depending on the type of sedation you choose, the procedure you are undergoing, and how your body responds. Nitrous oxide sedation could last around 30 minutes. Other types could be a few or several hours.

Side-Effects Of Sedation

Of course, there are side effects of sedation the most common of which include drowsiness, nausea, headaches, and dry mouth. If your child can legally drive, you should drive them home. Most patients are able to return to normal activities after 24 hours.

What Can Parents Do To Help?

Fortunately, your child doesn’t have to face sedation alone. Not only will Dr. Engel and other members of our staff be in the room, but parents can also be in the room as well. Parents can provide comfort to their child and help them understand what is going on so they are less apprehensive. You can calm your child’s fear or relieve their general stress at this time by providing encouragement.

Dr. Engel will never sedate your child without your permission, and he will always make a recommendation and explain why your child needs sedation and what will happen during the procedure. You have choices.

Parents can also help by making sure their child doesn’t consume food or drinks for several hours prior to sedation. Make sure your child wears a shirt that they don’t mind drooling on. You can also pack an extra set of clothes just in case your child has an accident. Try to make this a positive experience as much as possible. We don’t want your child to develop a fear of going to the dentist.

Cost Of Sedation

Nitrous oxide and oral sedation will generally cost between $200 and $300 while IV sedation will cost more. However, these costs are part of the final cost of treatment. Unfortunately, dental insurance does not usually cover sedation, but Kinder Smiles offers affordable monthly payment plans to patients.

Contact Us Today!

Kinder Smiles is dedicated to keeping children safe and comfortable during any procedure, whether it requires sedation or not. We proudly offer sedation dentistry for kids in Bergen County and surrounding communities in New Jersey. Sedation is safe for children and parents can play a major role in preparing their child for it. To learn more about sedation dentistry for kids in Bergen County or to schedule an appointment, call our office at 551-210-4012 today!

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