Help Children Remain Cavity-Free (5 TRICKS AND FACTS)

Help Children Remain Cavity-Free (5 TRICKS AND FACTS)

A cavity? Let’s face it, there is nothing more joyous than a toothless grin from a child. Many children bear smiles with fillings to maintain the tooth’s health after decay. For children, baby teeth are thinner than those with adult or permanent teeth. Prevention is important. In this post, we’ll lay out how to help children remain cavity-free. Let’s get going.





Help Children Remain Cavity-Free

Statistics suggested that over 42% of children aged between 2 and 11 have had dental caries. Otherwise known as tooth decay, filled teeth or decayed and filled teeth, in their mouth. The same studies also state over 23% of children between 2 and 11 also have untreated dental caries. Such habits can carry on as adults and result in various aches and pains due to oral complications.